Our Partner Factory

Our partner factory “family” in Bali, Indonesia are our exclusive partner in sampling and production.

Our Bali factory partner is certified by the Department of Social Welfare and Labour in Denpasar. They fulfil the strict requirements of no underage employees; pay above award salaries to their employees monthly and pay entitlements to all employees.

They are also accredited by the Environment Agency in Denpasar, Bali for compliance to environmental standards and have licensed garment manufacturer certificate in Indonesia exceeding all government requirements.

We offer all of our EDC clients the opportunity to tour the factory and will resume organized tours when travel resumes to Bali.

Made In Bali

We support ethical manufacturing and practise transparency with our practises and our team.  We support our diverse workplace with a clean, safe, bright work environment and a friendly team of multiple disciplines.

As an Australian managed factory, our office works closely with the Bali team and were frequently on site prior to COVID19 restrictions. In light of the new circumstances, we continue our daily communications and engagement with the team.

Ask us about our EDC behind the scenes ‘Made in Bali’ videos for your brand promotion!!

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