Learning and Support

E- Book Library

Our E-Book series comprises the complete outline and process of different aspects involved in launching your own clothing label.  Included you will find valuable insights from our experienced team with important information to consider for both short and long term set up of your business.  

Design and Fashion

Building from the basics. This text is the ideal guide for a new designer or brand to understand the fundamental elements of design. With highlights and key information points and insider insight into how to start with developing your range collection.


Training in Technicals

The industry of design and production has its own language and communication style. This text will provide an overview of the technical terms that are commonly used and the visual tools required to support communication.


Building a Business

Building a business takes planning and preparation. The start-up phase should be ready for mistakes and uncertainties, but the overall success of your venture depends on making the right decisions and utilizing proven strategies.


Sampling to Production Ready

A guided explanation of what is involved in creating a production-ready garment sample. What processes can save you time and how to communicate effectively with your manufacturer.